International Competition in the Programming

ICP 97

Advertised by
The Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport of the Czech Republic
Guaranteed by
The Institute for Children and Youth
Samova 3
101 00 Praha 10
Czech Republic
tel. (+420-2) 744 838, fax (+420-2) 723 843
In collaboration with
Del INFO Ltd, Brno
The Station of Technicians Vyšehrad, Praha.
Conditions for participants
Age: 16 -19 years
Successful solution of the tasks of the correspondence stage
Knowledge of English
Closing-date is May 31st, 1997.
Programming languages
Pascal , C or C++ under OS DOS, Windows.
The solution of the tasks
send source code of solution (including backup copy) on diskette or e-mail to the address of Station of Technicians, Vyšehrad (see address list below). Give your name, address and the date of your birth in the commentary.
The Programme of the competition
The jury select the best 20 participants, who will take part in the finals. In the finals the participants will solve the given tasks in Pascal, C or C++ languages under OS DOS or WINDOWS within a time limit. All finalists will receive a certificate of attendance, the best 3 finalists will be awarded.
The Date of the final
October 1997, during the international fair INVEX Computer 97, Brno.
The accommodation and all meals will be provided by the organizers. The travel expenses will not be covered.
Contact addresses
Stanice Techniku Vysehrad
Vratislavova 15
Praha 2
128 00
Czech Republic
Tel., fax: (+420-2) 294 607, (+420-2) 9000 0751

Problem of correspondence stage

Results of ICP'96